Avoid Most Artificial Sweeteners
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Although artificial sweeteners advertise themselves as “diabetic-friendly,” researchers are finding the opposite. In 2018, researchers discovered that artificial sweeteners contribute to diabetes and obesity more than most people think. They affect your blood glucose and blood vessels in a way that only harms your insulin.
The good news: some artificial sweeteners are safe for diabetics. Stevia and tagatose have not harmed blood glucose levels in studies. If you have questions, talk to a doctor or nutritionist about choosing the healthiest artificial sweeteners.
Drop Low-Fat Milk; Go High-Fat
Richard Levine/Corbis via Getty Images
Health experts have debated over the best type of milk for decades. Although diabetes researchers once recommended a low-fat diet, this is no longer the case. Low-fat milks supply less fat but replace it with sugar. Registered dietitian Nicole Anziani says that this can spike your blood sugar.
Plus, high-fat milks may reduce peoples’ chances of diabetes. In 2014, Swedish researchers connected high-fat dairy to a lower risk of diabetes. They can also help people with pre-diabetes. Other studies have called high-fat milk “neutral” in the development of diabetes, but low-fat milks aren’t as healthy.