10 Signs Show That The Kidneys Are Not Working Properly

Fatigue, general weakness and headache:

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The body’s vitamin D is converted into the erythropoietin hormone by healthy kidneys, and this hormone has a fundamental role in the production of red blood cells, the decrease in these, causes fat in the muscles and the brain, and anemia; the latter is common in people with kidney problems, and is intensified when someone has 20% to 50% of normal kidney function.

Difficulty to sleep:

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When there is a high level of toxins in the body, it is difficult to fall asleep, likewise, it must be borne in mind that little sleep can decrease kidney function. On the other hand, when kidney deficiency is severe, episodes of sleep apnea increase, which consists of pauses in breathing of two to sixty seconds while asleep, and intense snoring.


  • Go to the doctor in case of presenting the symptoms described.
  • Pay attention to sleep.
  • Take care of hydration.
  • Reduce the use of salt.
  • Eat foods high in folic acid.

Have you ever experienced a kidney problem? Share your experience in the comments. Don’t forget to share this important information with your friends. It will surely be very useful!

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