10 Signs Show That The Kidneys Are Not Working Properly

Bad breath and metallic taste problems:

Malfunctioning kidneys also affect taste and breath, in the latter, due to the high number of toxins and contamination in the blood, in the same way it happens with taste, since it is the waste stored in the bloodstream that causes the metallic taste. This can cause unhealthy weight loss, due to loss of appetite or taste for meat in general.
It should be considered that bad breath and metallic taste can be the cause of oral problems or allergies.

Dry and / or itchy skin:

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Presenting dry and itchy skin is another warning sign, since the healthy kidney cooperates in the production of red blood cells and to maintain the ideal amount of minerals in the body, which is why the skin can reflect the failures in the kidneys. In case of presenting this type of skin problem, the first thing to do is to hydrate properly, but if it persists, seek medical help

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