10 Symptoms Of Gout

Kidney Stones

Gout may be a particularly debilitating condition, that might eventually result in kidney stones. The resulting uric acid build-up migrates through your urinary tract, causing kidney stones to develop along with tremendous pain. With that being said, gout and high uric acid are indicators of kidney disease. The latter denotes the malfunction of kidneys for at least a period of 3 months. And thus the uric acid isn’t flushed properly out of the body.

Unfortunately, kidney failure cannot be reversed, but it can be delayed, nevertheless. Therefore, treating your gout early on is always a good move to prevent your kidneys from malfunctioning.

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When gout is left without any medical attention, the build-up of kidney stones causes major harm to the kidneys and it stops them from removing waste that puts them at risk of contracting an infection. Moreover, the sharp edges of the uric acid could also cause scarring to the kidneys and it all leads to kidney failure.

Seek medical attention if you notice blood in the urine or if you feel intense discomfort at the abdomen and back. These are indications of kidney dysfunction and they can be so severe that as a secondary symptom you might experience nausea.

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