Know What Will Happen to Your Body if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day

3. Better digestive function.

Bananas can make your bowel more healthy and functional. They are light on the intestine. Bananas are a good thing to eat when you have gastritis or acid reflux heartburn.

Your body can easily digest them without problems or irritation for the gastrointestinal tract. The bananas contain a starch content which is not digested in the intestine. It reaches the large intestine where it stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria and makes the stool bulky and prevents constipation. If you want to lose extra weight, you can get some help by mixing the bananas in your daily diet.

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4. Prevents some types of cancer.

Eating a diet rich in natural fibers from mixed vegetables and fruits as bananas can reduce the risk of many types of cancer. Healthy diets will supply you with the necessary nutrients without any harmful artificial additives as processed chemicals, preservatives, and salts.

Bananas are rich in Vitamin C, it works as an antioxidant that fights against harmful compounds that can cause cancer in the future as oxygen-free radicals. Bananas are also rich in natural fibers that prevent constipation and make your bowel healthy. This is important to prevent colon cancer. A great routine to protect yourself from getting a colorectal carcinoma diagnosis is eating a banana or other mixed veggies as frozen green beans daily to make sure you get the recommended amount of fiber.

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