11. Slow wound healing
High blood sugar causes poor blood flow throughout the body. This means that wounds, cuts, or infections can take a long time to heal. In fact, when circulation slows down, red blood cells move more slowly and cannot deliver the necessary nutrients to wounds. Similarly, high blood sugar levels disrupt white blood cells, making it difficult for the body to fight bacteria. Another possible cause is the significant decrease in the microbial richness in the skin, making it more vulnerable to infections.
12. Tiredness and fatigue
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An abnormal level of sugar in the blood slows down blood flow, preventing cells from receiving oxygen and all essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body and cells. As a result, the cells do not receive energy and stress develops at the cellular level. This results in fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion, and a lack of energy. The body automatically reserves energy for the vital organs and this is how the patient manifests fatigue.
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