2. Use apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a natural disinfectant and cleaning product.
Acetic acid, which is the main active ingredient in apple cider vinegar, effectively kills bacteria. The antibacterial property of vinegar is what makes it useful for cleaning the mouth and whitening the teeth.
A study done on cow teeth found that apple cider vinegar has a whitening effect on teeth. However, they also found that vinegar can soften teeth.
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Acetic acid in vinegar has the potential to erode enamel on teeth. For this reason, you shouldn’t use apple cider vinegar every day. You should also limit the amount of time the apple cider vinegar is in contact with your teeth.
To use as a mouthwash, dilute it with water and shake it in your mouth for several minutes. Make sure to rinse your mouth under running water afterward.
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