This 50 Push-Up Challenge Will Transform Your Body in 30 Days

Week 4:

Day 22: 35 push-ups
Day 23: 35 push-ups
Day 24: rest
Day 25: 38 push-ups
Day 26: 40 push-ups
Day 27: rest

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Day 28: 42 push-ups
You are almost at the finish line! See it as an opportunity to do your best every session. Also take the time to realize how far you’ve come, you may not have been able to do 5 push-ups and now you are able to do 30. You have much to be proud of!

The last two days of the challenge:

Day 29: 45 push-ups
Day 30: 50 push-ups
In just 3 days, you will have to go from 42 push-ups to 50. It won’t be easy, but with determination, you will reach the end of this challenge!

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