Heart Attack Early Warning Signs and Symptoms

1. Fatigue and breathing difficulties

Dyspnea, or shortness of breath, appears before many heart attacks, particularly among women, and can begin months before we have a heart attack. It is usually accompanied by great fatigue. These are symptoms that are difficult to associate with cardiac arrest, but if we find ourselves exhausted with no apparent cause, it is wise to go to the emergency department in a hurry.

2. Excessive sweating

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Sweating more than usual, even if we are not exercising, can be a sign that our heart has a problem. Pumping blood through clogged arteries requires our heart to work harder than usual, our body temperature rises because of this work, and our body sweats to try to keep it at bay. These symptoms can appear days before a heart attack: if we notice cold sweats that have no apparent cause and cold and wet skin, we should go to the doctor without pressing it twice.

Here are other Warning Signs You’re Having a Heart Attack

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